Sunday, February 7, 2010

6 months ago...

6 months ago I looked like this....

Today... Oh shit there's no pictures of me!! Hmm... Oh well! I guess thats cause I look pregnant still and I haven't brushed my hair today. I got up in a rush to fix bottles.. pulled it into a ponytail like thing and well.. I am lucky I brushed my teeth! But I have this....

And this....

And moments like this...

And moments like this...

Yep- that was today!

Anyway, 6 months ago today I was just "Courtney" pregnant with twins. Tomorrow they will be 6 months old and I am a "Mommy" of twins and I have survived so far! It stays kinda fuzzy to me cause I still haven't slept through the night! But damn they are cute!


I Just Love You said...

holy cow, i haven't had that happen yet, thank god! lol!

Dawn0fTime said...

Love the cupcake outfits! I still find it disturbing how their food looks basically the same going in as it does coming out. I better get over that soon...haha!!!

Sarah said...

LMAO! I love the fact that whatever you were feeding them, is the same color of the diaper explosion.

They are beautiful, Courtney.

Kerri said...

I cannot believe they will be 6 months old tomorrow. Where on earth does the time go. They are the cutest things and I LOVE their bright blue eyes...