The girls are doing awesome. They will be 18 months old this week. How did this happen? I can't believe it. They are getting so smart.
They are doing animal sounds, you know a Duck says "quack, quack", etc. They love being read to. I swear I read 20 books a day. I hope they are smarter than Bobby and me. They make me smile. They make me happy.
I am bad at blogging. I started back to school. So I have this class I am in and another class and hopefully a test and I will be done with my master's. ABOUT time! I should have done this while TTC, but I was so baby focused, I couldn't see past making a baby that this got left out. After starting the class, I told Bobby my 4.0 GPA wasn't going to be a 4.0 anymore. I am just not into the class. I HAVE to pass and all. But I just don't want to put all the effort into studying like I did before the girls. Now I just want to do what I have to do... I will be ok if I get a "B". And a friend was so kind to tell me, "B's get degrees". That they do, so I will keep that in mind as I go through this class and get done what I need to get done and hurry up and finish this master's.
Bobby also left to go to Texas for a training. So I was a single mom. And everyone survived!
Anyway... I feel bad about my non-blogging. But I am not too terribly exciting anymore. Not TTC. Just floating through.
Been super excited that a few of my friends have gotten BFPs here lately though.
As I type this, I am watching the girls on the monitor. NOT sleeping! Handing each other toys from one crib to another! Hilarious!
Here's the babies!
This is their new way to "play". They sit on each other's head, chest, etc. Or lay and roll
Lara says "I got you now, you may be bigger than me, but beware of the little ones"
Kristin and her laugh... she has changed so much since my colicy baby
Holy curls Batman! Where did those come from?
Lara loves puzzles and being read to. She gets excited. I hope this desire to learn continues for life!
Little "La-La" feeding her bay-bees. They both do this, but Kristin doesn't stay still for me to get many pictures of her.
All pictures in the family playroom... LOVE it! Aren't they just so darn cute? Love them! OMG 18 months this week! Geesh! Where'e my bay-bees?
You are SUPER-mom. Good for you. In the midst of all that I'd say you have a pretty good excuse to leave blogging by the wayside on an as needed basis. :-)
I so love those curls!!! Those are two awesome babies you have there! :) I wish we lived closer so we could visit!
Your girls are beautiful! I had a question for you regarding the laprascopy procedure. I am going through treatments now and we are considering the surgery as part of our treatment plan. Would you mind chatting about that a bit? Thanks, Grace :)
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