Friday, January 9, 2009

And then there were 2....

That's right ladies and gentlemen.... we have TWINS! We are in totally shock and amazement. We saw and heard the BEST thing ever today- HEARTBEATS! It was music to my soul- I just literally laid there and cried. Baby A had a heartbeat of 164 and Baby B had 158. I have never seen heartbeats or heard them before.... well not being pregnant. We are just over the moon to have 2 healthy babies.

I was so excited I came home and puked my guts up. Actually, Dr Smiles had to call me in a script for an anti-nausea med as I couldn't keep water down. So there you have it.....


just me, dawn said...

wow!! congratulations, that is the best news! I can't imagine seeing those heartbeats, you must be over the moon!

Mel said...

We were starting to worry! I'm so happy for you. So beyond happy for you. This is amazing.

Mel said...

Honestly, tears are streaming down my face now. Beyond, beyond, thrilled for you.

sarah said...

Wow wow wow wow.....



Kate said...

Now that we know there are healthy babies in there - I wanna know girls boys or both!!! hehe Congrats again Court!

'Murgdan' said...

Congrats Courtney...that's so wonderful.

The Joye of Teaching said...

awesome!!!! congrats!

Kerri said...

Yay for twins!!! Can't wait to find out what your having... Talk to you soon.. Hope the puking stops. I remember those days all too well.

jenjam said...

You gave me chills...I am so happy for you!! Congrats! :0)

Dawn0fTime said...

Ha! I knew it! Congratulations, Courtney!

The one and now only Jodi Bird said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you guys! I thought you might be having twins when you first talked about you numbers!

Cynthia said...

I had a feeling when I read that your numbers went up so much! Congratulations! I am so happy for you, and I will say lots of prayers that they stay healthy and you stay healthy!!!!

*Brandi* said...

OMG, I know I'm late, but COngratulations!!! I knew there were two in there, especially the way your numbers went up. I'm over the moon for you!!!

Sarah said...

AHHHHHHHHH!!! Oh my goddess! Congratulations!! That is so exciting!

cdpteach said...

YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! I am so happy for you!!! Twins....FABULOUS!!!! I love strong heartbeats!!! You must be thrilled!
I will keep checking your blog....cynthia1223 from WTE!!!

Bridget said...

Congrats C!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!! I am overjoyed for you. You deserve the best. I am so excited, can't wait to hear more!!!