Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Time moves... Oh so slowly

I have had numerous "How did it go?" and "what now?" comments on how the IUI went and the obvious- when can I test to see if I am pregnant. So here goes...

The IUI was pretty uneventful for me- took like maybe 20 seconds- the prep time is the longest part. Poor Bobby, he had the hardest part. But he managed to survive. Dr. Never Smiles did the procedure and that makes me happy as I don't think it is right to get pregnant without her. After all she is my dr and knows her shit. She asked me if I was prepared for the side effect- which is getting pregnant! Well I WANT that side effect!! She made me laugh!!

So now we wait... I was given the instructions to start my progesterone tonight and I can test on the 17th of November. Well, I will actually test on the 16th as that is a Sunday and I will need time to either be ecstatic or have my pity party. So that's it. The 2 week wait (2ww) begins. This is the most difficult part of the whole cycle... waiting. As you know I am not very patient... so this is the hardest part for me. Also the progesterone plays a game with me... gives me all kinds of pregnancy symptoms. I now know to ignore anything I "feel" during the 2ww.

I do appreciate all the prayers and support from everyone. I can use the support of my friends, especially when dealing with infertility and the crazy ups and downs that I have been going through for months. Thanks so much!

So now we wait.....


Amy said...

The TWW SUCKS!!!! (I know you know that). At least its a EDW now (Eleven Day Wait). We will all be waiting impatiently with you and on pins And needles to hear the fabulous news on the 16th!

'Murgdan' said...

Well, the 17th is my birthday---so if that's your test day, then it's good luck! :-) Glad it went well, and I hope Dr. 'Never Smiles' helped you get knocked up!

Sarah said...

my fingers are crossed!!