Sunday, March 15, 2009

To appease my pals...

Since I have gotten, "You won't tell.. how unfair" and "Isn't it time for a belly pic?" comments. I thought I would appease my friends! Nope, I still won't tell until we know for 100% what they may be!
Here I am with my ever expanding, ever enlarging, ever growing belly! Week 16!
I think I may have felt the babies move- not for sure though cause I don't' know what I am suppose to be feeling! But it will come in time and I know that! I know in the weeks to come I will feel them for sure! That's all here on the home front!


sarah said...

YAY for belly pics!

And double yay for babies moving!! I first felt movement around 16 weeks to. Felt like tiny little tapping or a muscle twitch to me. ;-)

Kate said...

yay belly!!!!

Sarah said...


The Joye of Teaching said...

You look so cute! I can't wait to find out about the girls! hehehe

Kerri said... it

KandiB said...

You're so brave! I can't bring myself to post a pic of my belly. I can't even bear to have my belly photographed in the privacy of home! Someone got me "The Belly Book" and I'm supposed to take a pic each week. I've only done it three times.

It has NOTHING to do with the fact that everyone comments on how huge I am. Not fair!

Dawn said...

Awwwwwwwww Courtney you look GREAT. How exciting you have felt them move in there. I'm putting in my guess for the baby you know the gender of LOL I say boy cause those little boys are always ready to show their stuff off LOL they are SO proud of their winky.

The one and now only Jodi Bird said...

Cute belly!!!!