Monday, December 22, 2008

Holy Moly!!

So after a weekend of feeling that I would not carry this pregnancy to term and that I was going to have one of the shittiest Christmases of all time. At least I could spend the next few days in a drunken haze at my in laws and there would be no judgement anyway. I went for blood work at the Jones Inst this morning- I have never been so nervous for blood work or going there for an appointment ever. I have a friend who was nice enough to go with me (here's my shout out to you-sista) and she really helped keep my mind off things .
On my way home the nurse called me. I could hear it in her voice. "Courtney, I got your blood work back and I checked 4 times before I showed it to Dr Never Smiles and called you- it is 7,655!". I almost wrecked I had to pull over- I asked at least 5 times was she sure it was mine and was assured it was! She said she had been very worried about me all weekend cause sounded like I had given up.
My u/s is January 9th. Oh- btw- I WON'T be having any spirits at my in laws for Christmas but that's A-ok with me!


Lea said...

That is fantastic news!!! Enjoy your holidays. :)

sarah said...


Sarah said...

Holy crap!! Maybe you're having quads! lol! I'm so happy for you!! WOO HOO!!!

The Joye of Teaching said...

What a nice stocking stuffer! hehehe Congrats.

just me, dawn said...

Congratulations! what an awesome xmas present!

Kate said...

Does this mean you won the bet? hehe I'm SO relieved!!!

KandiB said...

Dang! Fantastic! Woot woot!

The one and now only Jodi Bird said...

Congrats! I'm so happy for you! Merry Christmas to you!